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Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Feb 11, 1948 - Mar 21, 1949

LS-Dimitri Mitropoulos; Letter from Bruno Walter to guest conductors regarding programming of modern works on Sunday broadcast concerts; Assembly of program notes into "Concert Companion" by Robert Bagar and Louis Biancolli; Request by American Veterans Committee to boycott works by Richard Strauss; Letter from George Rabin about his young son Michael Rabin; Request to Dimitri Mitropoulos to accept engagement of Oscar Levant as soloist for concerts and recording; Dispute with management regarding proposed performances of "Elektra" by Richard Strauss; Election of Spyros Skouras as Board member; Auditions for new members of bassoon and string sections
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Mitropoulos, Dimitri, 11 Feb 1948 - 21 Mar 1949, Folder 010-04-34, Executive Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.