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1956-57 Scrapbook (Part 1 of 3), Sep 1, 1956 - Aug 31, 1957

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Record Group
  • Communications/Public Relations
  • Press Clippings
Contents List
  • p. 2 - Program Announcements
  • p. 12 - Orchestra Personnel and Management
  • p. 16 - Radio, TV, Records
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  • p. 2 - Program Announcements
  • p. 12 - Orchestra Personnel and Management
  • p. 16 - Radio, TV, Records
  • p. 26 - Friends
  • p. 30 - General
  • p. 43 - Awards and Special Events
  • p. 49 - Obituaries
  • p. 58 - Arturo Toscanini (Death)
  • p. 68 - New Site
  • p. 90 - Publication Names and Dates
  • p. 94 - Season Highlights
  • Show First 3
- Philharmonic announces 14 week tour from January till May, 1957. - Post European Tour - Rumors of Carnegie Hall being torn down spark. - Mitropoulos goes to Staten Island - Opening of the 1956-1957 Season - Many critic clippings on Philharmonic - Carnegie Hall is sold. - New York Philharmonic holds party for Vienna Orchestra. - Death of Marshall Field - Death of Theodore E. Steinway - Death of Tadeusz Kassern - Death of Jeanne Therrien - Death of Rober Bagar - Death of Arturo Toscanini - Tribute concert for Toscanini - Disputes over Lincoln Square project. - Juilliard moves to Lincoln Square and adds training in drama. - Continued disputes over Lincoln Square project involving mayor.
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
1956-57 Scrapbook (Part 1 of 3), 1 Sep 1956 - 31 Aug 1957, Folder 555-069-01, Communications/Public Relations Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.