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    Music Director/Conductors > Conductors > Rodzinski, Artur

Rodzinski Correspondence, Jan 9, 1946 - Jan 13, 1947

Chronological correspondence between Music Director Artur Rodzinski (AR) and Associate Manager Bruno Zirato (BZ) and Manager Arthur Judson (AJ) on operations, program planning, auditions, orchestra isues, soloists, fees, etc.; letter by Joseph Frankl critical of horn player Joseph Singer, who subsequently resigned; correspondence regarding Howard Taubman, New York Times music critic; proposal for a concert version of Debussy's "Pelleas et Melisande"; dismissal of horn player Marcel Lennoye; problems wth the horn section of the Philharmonic; LS-Olin Downes; LS-Janes Fassett. regarding radio broadcasts from Carnegie Hall on CBS radio; handwritten notes by AR; acoustical issues with radio broadcasts raised by AR, addressed in strongly worded contentious and defensive letter to AR from AJ; problems with proposed programs of guest conductors; list of office staff and responsibilities as of Sept 1946; negotiation of rights to perform Shostakovich Ninth Symphony; ALS-Maggie Teyte, re Debussy "Pelleas et Melisande" performances; union rules re dismissal of orchestra nenbers and role of Advisory Committee of orchestra nenbers; proposed performances of late works of Richard Strauss; ALS-Artur Rodzinski. re status of violist Joseph Vieland; Letters from Vieland's doctors; ALS-Richard Rychtarik, re production of Honegger's "Jeanne d'Arc";Text of AR radio broadcast speech; ALS-Corinne Meyer, Philharmonic Society of New Orleans, re proposed NYP concerts in New Orleans; AR angry memo re conflict betweem AR Stravinsky performances with the Philharmonic and Stravinsky week by City Symphony under Leonard Bernstein; standard clause in soloist contract that he or she is not to appear in concert in New York prior to performances with the Society or three weeks thereafter; suggestion to hire Mieczyslaw Horszowski as soloist; soloists under consideration for 1947-48 season; letters from AR to members of the Board of Directors following meeting of the Executive Committee; Complex arrangements for coming performances of Honegger "Jeanne d'Arc au Bucher"; Vladimir Horowitz proposal for following season
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Rodzinski Correspondence, 9 Jan 1946 - 13 Jan 1947, Folder 1078-01-08, Music Director/Conductors Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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