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  • Shostakovich, Dmitri

Shostakovich, Dmitri / SYMPHONY NO. 5, D MINOR, OP. 47 (Excerpts) - Trumpet

5516 - 111
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Parts Used By (Conductor)
Part Marked By
  • Editions Musicus
Archives Location
  • OL1118
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Collection Guarantor
Score(s) Associated With This Part
  • Parts only. The box containing the woodwind, brass, and percussion parts also had parts published by Edwin Kalmus and an unknown publisher, which were unmarked and not digitized.


Instrument Marking Artist Edition Type
Violin 2 View Details / Explore Part
Viola View Details / Explore Part
Cello View Details / Explore Part
Double Bass View Details / Explore Part
  • Unknown - Orchestral Player
  • Ghignatti, Amedeo
  • Unknown - Orchestral Player
View Details / Explore Part
Oboe View Details / Explore Part
  • McGinnis, Robert
  • Drucker, Stanley
View Details / Explore Part
Double Bass
  • Unknown - Orchestral Player
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French Horn
  • Unknown - Orchestral Player
  • Unknown - Orchestral Player
  • Namen, William
  • De Intinis, Ranier
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Trombone and Tuba View Details / Explore Part
Timpani and Percussion View Details / Explore Part
Harp and Keyboard View Details / Explore Part
Supplementary Materials View Details / Explore Part