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    Programs > 2023-24 Season > Parks

    2024 Jun 11, 12, 13 (Parks) NYP
    Conductor: Wilkins
    Soloists: Goosby, Randall
    Location: Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx, NY

    • Beethoven / EGMONT, OP.84
      • Mendelssohn / CONCERTO, VIOLIN, E MINOR, OP.64
        • Intermission
          • Elgar / WAND OF YOUTH, THE, SUITE, NO. 1
            • Shaman / FLOATING IN THE STARS
            • More...
            • Goosby, Randall
          • ID:
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            Programs > 2023-24 Season > Young People's Concert

            2023 Nov 18 (Young People's Concert) NYP
            Conductor: Wilkins
            Soloists: Khuong-Huu, Fiona and 2 more...
            • Khuong-Huu, Fiona
            • Bernstein, Jamie
            • Fitch, Douglas

            Location: David Geffen Hall, Manhattan, NY

            • Hill / HAPPY BIRTHDAY
              • Rossini / WILLIAM TELL
                • Mendelssohn / CONCERTO, VIOLIN, E MINOR, OP.64
                  • Elgar / WAND OF YOUTH, THE, SUITE, NO. 1
                  • More...
                  • Khuong-Huu, Fiona
                  • Bernstein, Jamie
                  • Fitch, Douglas