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    Programs > 1945-46 Season > Carnegie Pop Concert

    1946 May 10 (Carnegie Pop Concert) MEM
    Conductor: Broekman
    Soloists: Farrell, Eileen and 2 more...
    • Farrell, Eileen
    • Weede, Robert
    • Saperton, David

    Location: Carnegie Hall, Manhattan, NY

    • Schuman / SIDE SHOW
      • Herbert / NATOMA
        • Horsman / BIRD OF THE WILDERNESS, THE (VOICE + ORCH) (ARR. Unspecified)
          • Gershwin / AMERICAN IN PARIS, AN (TRADITIONAL VERSION) (ARR. Campbell-Watson)
            • Intermission
            • More...
            • Farrell, Eileen
            • Weede, Robert
            • Saperton, David