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    Programs > 1994-95 Season > Subscription Season

    1995 May 03, 04, 05, 06, 09 (Subscription Season) NYP
    Conductor: Macal
    Soloists: de Larrocha, Alicia and 2 more...
    • de Larrocha, Alicia
    • Baxtresser, Jeanne
    • Mizrahi, Alberto

    Location: Avery Fisher Hall, Manhattan, NY

    • Mozart / MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, THE, K.492
      • Mozart / CONCERTO, PIANO NO. 23, A MAJOR, K.488
        • Intermission
          • Schoenfield / KLEZMER RONDOS
            • Strauss / ROSENKAVALIER, DER: SUITE
            • de Larrocha, Alicia
            • Baxtresser, Jeanne
            • Mizrahi, Alberto