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    Programs > 1854-55 Season > Subscription Season

    1855 Mar 10 (Subscription Season) NYP
    Conductor: Timm
    Soloists: Mayer, Philip and 2 more...
    • Mayer, Philip
    • Stuart, Georgiana R.
    • Satter, Gustave

    Location: Niblo's Garden, Manhattan, NY

    • Mozart / SYMPHONY NO. 40, G MINOR, K.550
      • Fuchs / GUTTENBERG
        • Mozart / COSI FAN TUTTE, K.588
          • Beethoven / CONCERTO, PIANO, NO. 5, E FLAT MAJOR, OP.73
            • Intermission
            • More...
            • Mayer, Philip
            • Stuart, Georgiana R.
            • Satter, Gustave
          • ID:
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            Programs > 1880-81 Season > Festival

            1881 May 04 (Festival) SSO
            Conductor: Damrosch
            Soloists: Gerster, Etelka and 4 more...
            • Gerster, Etelka
            • Cary, Annie Louise
            • Campanini, Italo
            • Weiner, Eugene
            • Rietzel, Frederick

            Location: Park Avenue Armory, Manhattan, NY

            • Spontini / OLYMPIA
              • Handel / GIULIO CESARE [JULIUS CAESAR]
                • Beethoven / SYMPHONY NO. 5 IN C MINOR, OP.67
                  • Intermission
                    • Wagner / WALKURE, DIE, WWV 86B
                    • More...
                    • Gerster, Etelka
                    • Cary, Annie Louise
                    • Campanini, Italo
                    • Weiner, Eugene
                    • Rietzel, Frederick