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    Programs > 1855-56 Season > Subscription Season

    1856 Apr 19 (Subscription Season) NYP
    Conductor: Bergmann
    Soloists: Mollenhauer, Edward and 2 more...
    • Mollenhauer, Edward
    • Badiali, Caesare
    • Mollenhauer, Friedrich

    Location: Niblo's Garden, Manhattan, NY

    • Beethoven / SYMPHONY NO. 4 IN B FLAT MAJOR, OP.60
      • Vieuxtemps / CONCERTO, VIOLIN, NO. 1, E MAJOR, OP. 10
        • Verdi / ATTILA
          • Intermission
            • Mendelssohn / MELUSINE: OVERTURE
            • More...
            • Mollenhauer, Edward
            • Badiali, Caesare
            • Mollenhauer, Friedrich
          • ID:
            Found in:
            Programs > 1859-60 Season > Subscription Season

            1860 Mar 24 (Subscription Season) NYP
            Conductor: Bergmann
            Soloists: Centemeri, Pietro and 2 more...
            • Centemeri, Pietro
            • Johnson-Graever [Gräver], Madeleine
            • Timm, Henry C.

            Location: Academy of Music, Manhattan, NY

            • Beethoven / SYMPHONY NO. 2 IN D MAJOR, OP.36
              • Verdi / ATTILA
                • Hummel / CONCERTO, PIANO, A MINOR, OP. 85
                  • Intermission
                    • Liszt / TASSO: LAMENTO E TRIONFO, (SYMPHONIC POEM NO. 2)
                    • More...
                    • Centemeri, Pietro
                    • Johnson-Graever [Gräver], Madeleine
                    • Timm, Henry C.