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1961 Jul 16 / Stadium Concert / Rudel

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  • Stadium-NY Philharmonic
"S" = Soloist
"A" = Assisting Artist
  • Gershwin / Porgy and Bess
    • Act I, Scene 1: Introduction
    • Summertime, Clara, Act I, scene 1
    • A Woman is a Sometime Thing, Jake/Chorus, Act I, scene 1
    • Gone, Gone, Gone (Where is Brudder Robbins?), Serena/Jake/Bess/Porgy, Act I, scene 2
    • Overflow, Act I, scene 2
    • My Man's Gone Now, Serena/Chorus, Act I, scene 2
    • Leavin' for the Promise' Lan', Bess/Chorus, Act II (Train song)
    • I Got Plenty o' Nuttin', Porgy/Chorus, Act II, scene 1
    • Bess, You is My Woman Now, Porgy/Bess, Act II, scene 1
    • Oh, I Can't Sit Down, (Chorus), Act II, scene 1
    • It Ain't Necessarily So, Sportin' Life/Chorus, Act II, scene 2
    • What You Want Wid Bess? Bess/Crown, Act II, scene 2
    • Clara, Clara, (Chorus), Act III, scene 1 (Requiem)
    • Buzzard Song, Act II, scene 1
    • There's a Boat Dat's Leavin' Soon for New York, Sportin' Life, Act III, scene 2
    • Oh Bess, Oh Where's My Bess, Porgy, Act III, scene 3
    • Oh Lawd, I'm on My Way, Porgy/Chorus, Act III, scene 3
  • Intermission
    • Unspecified / Dance Medley
    • Show First 3
    Dates / Event Types / Venues
    • Jul 16, 1961 / 8:30PM / Stadium Concert / Lewisohn Stadium / Manhattan, NY
    Postponed from previous night because of rain. The Destine dance company included the following dancers: Audrey Mason, Arlene Hurdle, Jewel Jacobs, George Mills, Herns Duplan, Shirley Spincer, Milagro Inez, Jerome Jeffrey, Phillip Stamps, Altovise Gore, Diana Ramos, Beverly Vaden, Charles Moore, Al Glover. Drummers: Alphonse Cimber, Jacques Succes and Bean Robert. Fifer: Herblee
    Project Funder
    • Leon Levy Foundation
    Preferred Citation
    Concert program, 16 Jul 1961, Program ID 11384, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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