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1928 Aug 20, 21, 24 / Stadium Concert / Harris

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  • Stadium-NY Philharmonic
"S" = Soloist
"A" = Assisting Artist
Dates / Event Types / Venues
  • Aug 20, 1928 / 8:30PM / Stadium Concert / Lewisohn Stadium / Manhattan, NY
  • Aug 21, 1928 / 8:30PM / Stadium Concert / Lewisohn Stadium / Manhattan, NY
  • Aug 24, 1928 / 8:30PM / Stadium Concert / Lewisohn Stadium / Manhattan, NY
Checked: Stadium concert scrapbook, NY Times and Herald-Tribune published on 21-25 August 1928. The third performance was originally planned for 22 August, but the rain caused two back-to-back postponements.

The program, as announced in the 18 August 1928 NY Post:
1. Allegresse.....................Sinding
2. Waltz and Liebestraum......Brahms and Liszt
3. Second Arabesque...........Debussy
4. Orpheus.......................Liszt
5. Liebeswalzer..................Moskowski
6. Valse de concert (unspecified)....Glazunov

7. American Suite:
Around the Hall........Eastwood Lane
Gringo Tango..........Lane
Boston Fancy..........Lane
8. Japanese Suite:
Japanese Flower Arrangement....Robert Hood Bowers
Lion Dance..................Goublier (unspecified composer)
Japanese Spear Dance....Horst
9. Chopin........................Waltz, E minor, posthumous
10. European Suite:
Germany - Mazurka de Salon.........Wachs
France - Josephine and Hippolyte....Drigo
Italy - Carnival Night...................Eilenberg
11. Punchinello..................Victor Herbert
12. East Indian Suite:
Soul of India................Strickland
Black and Gold Sari........Stoughton
Cosmic Dance of Siva.....Strickland
In the Bunnia Bazaar......Strickland
13. The Lamp - 'Les Preludes'....Liszt
The Woman With the Lamp - Ruth St. Denis
Death and Life - Ted Shawn

The Denishawn Dances may have given the Bowers, Goublier, Eilenberg, Strickland and Stoughton pieces on this program different names than the ones each composer gave their own work.
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Concert program, 20 Aug 1928, Program ID 12959, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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