Our Partners

The Philharmonic did not work alone in its effort to digitize its holdings. We had help from individuals and organizations, including photography and digitization by Ardon Bar-Hama and software development and support by Technology Services Group

We are incredibly indebted to those who have worked on this project:
Barbara Haws, Kevin Schlottmann, Gabryel Smith, Mitchell Brodsky, Lea Lange, Andy Surujnarine, Richard Wandel, Adrian Cosentini, Emilia Albarano, Stephanie Allison, Gautam Amin, Emily Balsamo, Lin Barton, Daniel Batchelder, John Bence, Lily Benson, Mary Bliden, Britney Boras, Claire Bridley, Elizabeth Cahill, Josseline Charas, Chan Heung, Marina Claire, Elise Duryee-Browner, Terri-Ann Feindt, Douglas Gibson, Ian Good, Kanisha Graves, Michael Herson, Max Kolasinki, Stefan Kristinkov, Erika Lang, William Lavary, Elizabeth Lee, Christy Lewis, E.J. Markland, Isaiah Mathieu, Halie Morris, Minnie Muzquiz, Livingston Ordway, Sarah Palermo, Joe Papenmeyer, Steve Parkey, Todd Pierzina, Jose Pietri-Coimbre, Griffin Polonus, Willis Reifsynder, Erik Rego, Grayson Sanders, Amanda Schuster, David Schuster, Erich Schwarzbeck, Eric Seligman, Damon Sfetsios, Devin Swenson, Patricia Taitt, Mary-Jo Valentino, Rebecca Vendemo, Nan Wakefield, Jacqueline Waters, Leo Wexler-Mann