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1843 Apr 07 / Special / Hill

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  • Musicians from the New York Philharmonic
"S" = Soloist
"A" = Assisting Artist
Dates / Event Types / Venues
  • Apr 7, 1843 / 8:00PM / Special / Apollo Rooms / Manhattan, NY
1842-43 Season
Members of the New York Philharmonic Non-Subscription Concert

Beethoven "Egmont" Overture and Hummell Piano Concerto conducted by Hill
Rossini "William Tell" Overture and Hertz Introduction and Variations conducted by Alpers
All other works performed without conductor
Conducting information based on George Templeton Strong's diary account as found in Brodsky Lawrence:"Strong On Music" Volume 1
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Concert program, 7 Apr 1843, Program ID 10785, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.