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  • Waldteufel, Emil

Waldteufel, Emil / SIRENES WALTZ, LES [LES SIRĂˆNES] - Violin 1

8127 - 101
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Parts Used By (Conductor)
Part Marked By
  • Carl Fischer
Archives Location
  • AR023
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Collection Guarantor
Score(s) Associated With This Part
  • lsod


Instrument Marking Artist Edition Type
Violin 2 View Details / Explore Part
Viola View Details / Explore Part
Cello View Details / Explore Part
Double Bass View Details / Explore Part
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Oboe View Details / Explore Part
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Bassoon View Details / Explore Part
French Horn View Details / Explore Part
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Trombone View Details / Explore Part
Timpani and Percussion View Details / Explore Part