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    Board of Directors > Minutes

Board of Directors Committee Minutes, Jan 23, 1946 - Jan 23, 1946

Mr. Triller announced that an Agreement had been reached with the Music Director; Letter from the Music Director suggest changes in orchestra personnel, including the reorganization of the horn section and the engagement of James Chambers as Principal Horn; Letter from William Vacchiano, Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Orchestra concerning the dismissal of four members of the orchestra and reassignment of members of the horn section; Reports from the Manager on contract negotiations with the Union, and conductors for the Spring Tour; Arrangements to present President Truman with Honorary Membership on a weekday were proposed; Increase in size of orchestra.
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Board of Directors Committee Minutes, 23 Jan 1946 - 23 Jan 1946, Folder 606-01-22, Board of Directors Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.