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    Programs > 1943-44 Season > Young People's Concert

    1943 Dec 18 (Young People's Concert) NYP
    Conductor: Ganz / Taylor
    Soloists: Di Bonaventura, Anthony and 2 more...
    • Di Bonaventura, Anthony
    • St. John the Divine Chorus
    • Audience

    Location: Carnegie Hall, Manhattan, NY

    • Bach / CANTATA NO. 147
      • Humperdinck / HANSEL AND GRETEL
        • Beethoven / CONCERTO, PIANO, NO. 3, C MINOR, OP. 37
          • Gritton / WELCOME YULE!
            • Traditional / CAROL: WHEN THE CRIMSON SUN HAD SET
            • More...
            • Di Bonaventura, Anthony
            • St. John the Divine Chorus
            • Audience