Results for *De Ribas

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    Programs > 1846-47 Season > Subscription Season

    1847 Apr 17 (Subscription Season) NYP
    Conductor: Hill
    Soloists: De Ribas and 2 more...
    • De Ribas
    • Rapetti, M.
    • Liederkranz of the City of New York

    Location: Apollo Rooms, Manhattan, NY

    • Beethoven / SYMPHONY NO. 3 IN E FLAT MAJOR, OP. 55 (EROICA)
      • Intermission
        • Rossini / WILLIAM TELL
          • Beriot / ARIA FOR OBOE
            • Mendelssohn / JÄGER ABSCHIED, DER
            • More...
            • De Ribas
            • Rapetti, M.
            • Liederkranz of the City of New York