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    Programs > 1958-59 Season > Stadium Concert

    1959 Jun 27 (Stadium Concert) STA
    Conductor: Schermerhorn
    Soloists: American Ballet Theatre and 16 more...
    • American Ballet Theatre
    • Alonso, Alicia
    • Youskevitch, Igor
    • Kriza, John
    • Fernandez, Royes
    • Serrano, Lupe
    • Bruhn, Erik
    • Verdy, Violette
    • Koesun, Ruth Ann
    • Lland, Michael
    • Fernandez, Royes
    • Martinez, Enrique
    • Wilson, Sallie
    • Borree, Susan
    • Allen, Ivan
    • Bennett, Charles
    • Sutherland, Paul

    Location: Lewisohn Stadium, Manhattan, NY

    • Chopin / POLONAISE, A MAJOR, OP. 40, NO. 1 (ARR. Winter)
      • Chopin / SYLPHIDES, LES: BALLET (ARR. Britten)
        • Intermission
          • Banfield / COMBAT, THE
            • Tchaikovsky / SWAN LAKE: BALLET
            • More...
            • American Ballet Theatre
            • Alonso, Alicia
            • Youskevitch, Igor
            • Kriza, John
            • Fernandez, Royes
            • More...