Results for *Liederkranz of the City of New York

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  • ID:
    Found in:
    Programs > 1846-47 Season > Subscription Season

    1847 Apr 17 (Subscription Season) NYP
    Conductor: Hill
    Soloists: De Ribas and 2 more...
    • De Ribas
    • Rapetti, M.
    • Liederkranz of the City of New York

    Location: Apollo Rooms, Manhattan, NY

    • Beethoven / SYMPHONY NO. 3 IN E FLAT MAJOR, OP. 55 (EROICA)
      • Intermission
        • Rossini / WILLIAM TELL
          • Beriot / ARIA FOR OBOE
            • Mendelssohn / JÄGER ABSCHIED, DER
            • More...
            • De Ribas
            • Rapetti, M.
            • Liederkranz of the City of New York
          • ID:
            Found in:
            Programs > 1847-48 Season > Special

            1848 Feb 05 (Special) NYP
            Conductor: Macfarren / Loder
            Soloists: Liederkranz of the City of New York and 18 more...
            • Liederkranz of the City of New York
            • Leach, S. L.
            • Arthurson
            • Horn, C.E.
            • Northall, Julia
            • Bevins
            • Otto, Antoinette
            • De Luce
            • Greatorex
            • Loder, Edward
            • Watson, Betsy
            • Jones, L. A.
            • Pratt
            • Johnson, Edward P.
            • Andrews
            • New York Sacred Music Society
            • American Musical Institute
            • Euterpean Society
            • Concordia Society

            Location: Castle Garden, Manhattan, NY

            • Beethoven / SYMPHONY NO. 3 IN E FLAT MAJOR, OP. 55 (EROICA)
              • Mendelssohn / ST. PAUL, OP. 36
                • Mendelssohn / ELIJAH, OP.70
                • More...
                • Liederkranz of the City of New York
                • Leach, S. L.
                • Arthurson
                • Horn, C.E.
                • Northall, Julia
                • More...
              • ID:
                Found in:
                Programs > 1850-51 Season > Subscription Season

                1851 Jan 11 (Subscription Season) NYP
                Conductor: Eisfeld
                Soloists: Noll, Joseph and 1 more...
                • Noll, Joseph
                • Liederkranz of the City of New York

                Location: Apollo Rooms, Manhattan, NY

                • Schubert / SYMPHONY NO. 9, C MAJOR, D.944 (GREAT)
                  • Intermission
                    • Cherubini / LES DEUX JOURNEES
                      • David / CONCERTO, VIOLIN, NO. 2, D MAJOR, OP.14
                        • Mendelssohn / CALM SEA AND PROSPEROUS VOYAGE
                        • More...
                        • Noll, Joseph
                        • Liederkranz of the City of New York
                      • ID:
                        Found in:
                        Programs > 1859-60 Season > Subscription Season

                        1860 Apr 28 (Subscription Season) NYP
                        Conductor: Eisfeld
                        Soloists: Mayer, Philip and 6 more...
                        • Mayer, Philip
                        • Schreiber, Louis
                        • Johannsen, Bertha
                        • Stigelli, Giorgio
                        • Liederkranz of the City of New York
                        • Zimmermann
                        • Timm, Henry C.

                        Location: Academy of Music, Manhattan, NY

                        • Mozart / MAGIC FLUTE, THE, K.620
                          • Abt / ICH DENKE NUR AN DICH (I EVER THINK OF THEE)
                            • Weber / OBERON
                              • Mozart / MAGIC FLUTE, THE, K.620
                                • Haertel / MEIN! (MINE!): CHORUS FOR MALE VOICES
                                • More...
                                • Mayer, Philip
                                • Schreiber, Louis
                                • Johannsen, Bertha
                                • Stigelli, Giorgio
                                • Liederkranz of the City of New York
                                • More...
                              • ID:
                                Found in:
                                Programs > 1860-61 Season > Subscription Season

                                1861 Feb 02 (Subscription Season) NYP
                                Conductor: Eisfeld
                                Soloists: Schreiber, Louis and 1 more...
                                • Schreiber, Louis
                                • Liederkranz of the City of New York

                                Location: Academy of Music, Manhattan, NY

                                • Schumann / SYMPHONY NO. 3, E FLAT MAJOR, OP. 97 (RHENISH)
                                  • Kreutzer / APPROACH OF SPRING (FRUHLINGS-NAHEN)
                                    • Schreiber / FANTASIA CAPRICIOSA
                                      • Intermission
                                        • Haydn / SYMPHONY NO. 102, B FLAT MAJOR
                                        • More...
                                        • Schreiber, Louis
                                        • Liederkranz of the City of New York
                                      • ID:
                                        Found in:
                                        Programs > 1860-61 Season > Subscription Season

                                        1861 Apr 20 (Subscription Season) NYP
                                        Conductor: Eisfeld
                                        Soloists: Brainerd, Maria S. and 2 more...
                                        • Brainerd, Maria S.
                                        • Saar, William
                                        • Liederkranz of the City of New York

                                        Location: Academy of Music, Manhattan, NY

                                        • Mozart / SYMPHONY NO. 40, G MINOR, K.550
                                          • Mendelssohn / INFELICE, OP.94
                                            • Saar / TANNHAUSER: ILLUSTRATION DRAMATIQUE
                                              • Beethoven / EGMONT, OP.84
                                                • Intermission
                                                • More...
                                                • Brainerd, Maria S.
                                                • Saar, William
                                                • Liederkranz of the City of New York
                                              • ID:
                                                Found in:
                                                Programs > 1863-64 Season > Subscription Season

                                                1864 Mar 12 (Subscription Season) NYP
                                                Conductor: Eisfeld
                                                Soloists: Rotter and 4 more...
                                                • Rotter
                                                • Paulitsch
                                                • Mollenhauer, Edward
                                                • Quint, Louis
                                                • Liederkranz of the City of New York

                                                Location: Academy of Music, Manhattan, NY

                                                • Haydn / SYMPHONY NO. 99, E FLAT MAJOR
                                                  • Mozart / MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, THE, K.492
                                                    • Beethoven / CONCERTO, VIOLIN, D MAJOR, OP.61
                                                      • Intermission
                                                        • Mendelssohn / SYMPHONY NO. 2, B-FLAT MAJOR, OP. 52, "LOBEGESANG"
                                                        • Rotter
                                                        • Paulitsch
                                                        • Mollenhauer, Edward
                                                        • Quint, Louis
                                                        • Liederkranz of the City of New York
                                                      • ID:
                                                        Found in:
                                                        Programs > 1864-65 Season > Subscription Season

                                                        1864 Dec 17 (Subscription Season) NYP
                                                        Conductor: Eisfeld
                                                        Soloists: Liederkranz of the City of New York and 1 more...
                                                        • Liederkranz of the City of New York
                                                        • Bergner, Frederick

                                                        Location: Academy of Music, Manhattan, NY

                                                        • Mendelssohn / SYMPHONY NO. 3, A MINOR, OP.56 (SCOTTISH)
                                                          • Abt / DIE STILLE WASSERROSE
                                                            • Ritter / CONCERTO, CELLO
                                                              • Intermission
                                                                • Mozart / MAGIC FLUTE, THE, K.620
                                                                • More...
                                                                • Liederkranz of the City of New York
                                                                • Bergner, Frederick
                                                              • ID:
                                                                Found in:
                                                                Programs > 1864-65 Season > Subscription Season

                                                                1865 Mar 11 (Subscription Season) NYP
                                                                Conductor: Bergmann
                                                                Soloists: Liederkranz of the City of New York and 1 more...
                                                                • Liederkranz of the City of New York
                                                                • Hoffman, Richard

                                                                Location: Academy of Music, Manhattan, NY

                                                                • Haydn / SYMPHONY NO. 103, E FLAT MAJOR (DRUMROLL)
                                                                  • Palestrina / FRATRES EGO ENIM ACCEPI
                                                                    • Beethoven / CONCERTO, PIANO, NO. 3, C MINOR, OP. 37
                                                                      • Intermission
                                                                        • Bargiel / MEDEA, OP. 22
                                                                        • More...
                                                                        • Liederkranz of the City of New York
                                                                        • Hoffman, Richard
                                                                      • ID:
                                                                        Found in:
                                                                        Programs > 1864-65 Season > Subscription Season

                                                                        1865 Apr 29 (Subscription Season) NYP
                                                                        Conductor: Eisfeld
                                                                        Soloists: Perring, J. Ernst and 2 more...
                                                                        • Perring, J. Ernst
                                                                        • Paulitsch
                                                                        • Liederkranz of the City of New York

                                                                        Location: Academy of Music, Manhattan, NY

                                                                        • Beethoven / SYMPHONY NO. 3 IN E FLAT MAJOR, OP. 55 (EROICA)
                                                                          • Handel / MESSIAH
                                                                            • Beethoven / SYMPHONY NO. 9 IN D MINOR, OP.125
                                                                            • More...
                                                                            • Perring, J. Ernst
                                                                            • Paulitsch
                                                                            • Liederkranz of the City of New York